Saber Ansar Mehr
Saber Ansar Mehr
Active in the field of holding conferences and exhibitions with more than sixteen years of experience in this field
Conference organizer
Conference organizer
Saber Ansar Mehr Company organizes relevant conferences every year with the aim of playing an effective role in the development of relations and business networking of activists in the field of exhibitions and conferences.
exhibition organizer
exhibition organizer
Saber Ansar Mehr company has many years of brilliant history in the field of organizing domestic and foreign exhibitions, such as the manager of the advertising affairs of the Iran Pavilion at Dubai Expo 2020.
Saber Ansar Mehr
Saber Ansar Mehr
Active in the field of holding conferences and exhibitions with more than sixteen years of experience in this field
Conference organizer
Conference organizer
Saber Ansar Mehr Company organizes relevant conferences every year with the aim of playing an effective role in the development of relations and business networking of activists in the field of exhibitions and conferences.
exhibition organizer
exhibition organizer
Saber Ansar Mehr company has many years of brilliant history in the field of organizing domestic and foreign exhibitions, such as the manager of the advertising affairs of the Iran Pavilion at Dubai Expo 2020.

About Us

Arne Advertising and Marketing Center, with registration number 1747 from the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, started its activities in 2010 due to more than 24 years of experience of its management team in the field of advertising and marketing.

Market leadership and play a key role in the development and business development of domestic and foreign customers
Providing distinctive and quality services and the most creative advertising and marketing solutions to customers
Strategy target
+ 0
Completed projects
Ideas target goal
+ 0
Ongoing projects
Approved ads tick mark
+ 0
Artboard 61
+ 0
Satisfied customers

Our most important activities

Our projects


Epsom Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Printers and texts but also newspapers.



What is photography? In popular parlance, a photographer's job is called photography. Literally, photography is synonymous with photography. This word ...
Enviorment Advertising

Enviorment Advertising

Any type of advertising outside of the customer purchase end point (POP) is called. In other words, environmental advertising ...


Any type of advertising outside of the customer purchase end point (POP) is called. In other words, environmental advertising ...
Creativit Idea Generation

Creativit Idea Generation

We believe that ideas can come from anywhere, anytime. We are always looking to attract the best talent and ...
Advertising Campaing

Advertising Campaing

A set of multiple and multifaceted advertising activities planned to advertise a particular organization or product is called an ...


Advertising is one of the ways to communicate with potential and actual customers in marketing. In other words, advertising ...

Customer feedback

Epsom Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Printers and texts, but also newspapers and magazines in columns and rows as needed.

Ali Sadeghi

Ali Sadeghi

Epsom Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Printers and texts, but also newspapers and magazines in columns and rows as needed.

Hamed Rostami

Hamed Rostami

Epsom Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Printers and texts, but also newspapers and magazines in columns and rows as needed.

Navid Mohammadi

Navid Mohammadi

Latest Articles



What is photography? In popular parlance, a photographer's job is called photography. Literally, photography is synonymous with photography. This word is a translation for the ...
Enviorment Advertising

Enviorment Advertising

Any type of advertising outside of the customer purchase end point (POP) is called. In other words, environmental advertising is a special type of ...


Any type of advertising outside of the customer purchase end point (POP) is called. In other words, environmental advertising is a special type of ...
Creativit Idea Generation

Creativit Idea Generation

We believe that ideas can come from anywhere, anytime. We are always looking to attract the best talent and creative and passionate producers to ...
Advertising Campaing

Advertising Campaing

A set of multiple and multifaceted advertising activities planned to advertise a particular organization or product is called an Advertising Campaign. Advertising campaign planning ...


Advertising is one of the ways to communicate with potential and actual customers in marketing. In other words, advertising is a type of communication ...


یوخن سابقه طولانی و موفقی در صنعت نمایشگاه تجاری دارد.

یوخن ویت

یوخن ویت

رئیس شورای سیاستگذاری HTDC

مهدی کریمی

مهدی کریمی

مدیرعامل مرکز نمایشگاه های بین المللی زنجان

رضا قندیلی

رضا قندیلی

مشاور مدیرعامل شرکت سهامی نمایشگاه های جمهوری اسلامی ایران

سید حسین میرظفرجویان

سید حسین میرظفرجویان

مدیر عامل ایده تجارت هرمس

شهریار آل شیخ

شهریار آل شیخ

Greetings on the day of the elderly


World Senior Citizens Day is celebrated on 21st August. It was a day proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations in the year 1990. Today, we feel lucky to have elders with us who can fill us with the wisdom they have.

These elders are in good health and also have formidable financial security. This wasn’t the case long ago and this is why we celebrate Senior Citizens Day in order to make sure that each and every elder lives healthy and for long.

Happy Senior Citizens Day to all those elders who have been true inspirations for us in life. If storytelling is an art then growing up while listening to your stories was of the greatest pleasure to each of us! Thank you for making our lives worth it.

Therefore, Saber Ansar Mehr Company, the organizer of “The First International Exhibition of the Welfare and Health of the Elderly and Veterans and Services, Equipment and Related Industries” considers these days auspicious and happy and congratulates this distinguished section of the society. show